what i’ve been doing with myself

ubu enchained

this turn-of-the-century absurdist play follows the adventures of Pa Ubu, a king-turned-slave. it’s absurd, it’s hilarious, it’s tyrannical.

(make-up for the show)

i had an amazing experience being in the show. here are two of my cast-mates during cast-bonding.

there was a lot of gender play going on, so i thought this picture of him wearing her jeans and vice versa would be appropriate.


my table, yesterday morning.

it’s been a busy week, school-wise. lacan, foucault, faulkner and the history of science and technology — oh my! i have a test in HOST this afternoon that i am completely under-prepared for. Oh well… photoshop is more fun, anyhow.

~ by Davis Carr on January 28, 2011.

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